Archive | August 2006

What’s the difference?

Have you ever looked at someone and thought, “I wish I could do or be like that?” I’m sure we’ve all had our moments of watching lifestyles of the rich and famous, reading about the super rich, or glancing through gossip mags where we were amazed at how some people live.  I know myself I’ll read through inc, business 2.0, entrepreneur, or fortune and see people doing amazing things with their careers and their lives and think “man I wish I could do that.”  So the question is, what’s the difference between me and them? Read More…

Elephant in the room

How often do you have some issue that needs to be addressed, yet everyone involved in it pretends to not be thinking of it, even though everyone is thinking of it but no one wants to talk about it….ugh it’s exhausting. But why is that issue, whatever it may be, so difficult to discuss?  Why do we spend so much time and energy avoiding it, when it probably wouldn’t be bad at all to discuss?  Why do we ignore the elephant in the room? Read More…

A quick one…

Heading to the airport expecting everyone to know about the no liquids policy?  Think that everyone listened to and followed the new rules? Guess again…

From Seth Godin’s blog:

Never underestimate the ability of the public to ignore you. They can and they will.

read the whole thing here (his blog is great read everyday):

challenging your perspective

I am reading Brian Greene’s The Fabric of the Cosmos and it really is making my head spin.  Greene discusses everything from the description of reality and spacetime as accepted in modern physics to the origins of the universe and the big bang.  While I’ve always been somewhat of a space geek and an admirer in physics (even though I never got good grades in it), and this book is supposed to be written from a pedestrian perspective, I still find it a fairly difficult read.  It is written really well, it’s just that the way I’ve grown up and the way we’ve grown up with this world around us and the 5 senses we have to live in it, are truly incapable of understanding what else is out there.

Read More…

I don’t usually like to gloat….

But this is pretty cool:

It’s amazing how much cooler you sound when someone else talks about you.

Anyway, more to come today….

The power of thoughts

“Whether you think you can or can’t, either way you’re right.” -Henry Ford …OK there are about a million ways this quote is quoted across the Internet, so I’m not really sure what the correct quote is but I think you get the message: your thoughts have tremendous power. Read More…

The importance of Gratitude…

As I sit here on an incredibly HOT day in the beautiful island of Ocracoke, North Carolina (outer banks), it’s really hard not to be grateful for all the wonderful things I have in my life. I believe it’s very, very easy to spend so much time focusing on what you don’t have, and where you’re not that you forget just how much you do have, just how far you have come. Read More…